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Westfield Print Projects

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In order to further the successes of the new school branding, website & signage we were asked to support the management team to deliver a vast array of print material.

Project Details

  • We have supported the school in delivering a huge number of innovative design print solutions.
  • From working alongside a school pupil committee in delivering a joint Year graduation booklet to the prospectus.
  • The hugely well received newsletter to the staff and student planners.
  • Large Parents evening banners to school mini-bus wraps.
  • We provided advice, guidance and practical help in ensuring a consistent, professional and refreshing approach to the school’s print needs.

What They Think

“We have what we now believe is a truly outstanding brand which will help us meet many of our objectives…including making learning enjoyable and making the school environment a fun place to work…and contribute to our success for years to come.”
- Andy Ireland, Head Teacher. Westfield School.
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